How Well You Speak Matters!
How Well You Speak Helps You Stand Out POSITIVELY. Think about it, haven’t you felt wonder, or been amazed or helplessly charmed by someone you met for the first time who spoke well? When competing for scarce benefits e.g. jobs or a promotion at work or having people think readily of you to share news and information on opportunities which may be of great benefit to your life, a LASTING POSITIVE IMPRESSION pays great dividends. To be an effective networker, job seeker, business person you need to be remembered…positively. You can achieve this by practicing to speak well.
EXERCISE: To improve your articulation, practice difficult words and phrases several times. Here’s are a few tricky phrases to get you started.
- “Frank phoned four pharmaceutical factories feeling fresh and fulfilled.”
- “The tip of the teeth, the lips, and the gums.”
- “If, I, Place, an, invisible, comma, after, each, word, and, an, invisible, semicolon; after, some, words, my, speech, has, presence.”
Hope you’ll take action and find other practical ways to improve your speech and stand out positively among your colleagues, business competitors and grasp that-move-me-to-the-next-level opportunity that comes your way. Whether we are comfortable with it or not, we live in a highly competitive world. In addition, the impact of globalization, information and communication technology (ICT) and the vast amounts of well qualified persons in the job market based on continuous phases of lay-offs, provides decision makers with so many choices. You can only compete, if you are memorable and positively so.
With You in Mind,
~Coach Cheryll